Kubermatic branding element

Today, we are pleased to announce that KubeOne 1.4 is now generally available. KubeOne is our open source cluster lifecycle management tool that automates cluster deployment and management in your preferred on-prem, edge, or cloud environment.

The previous release provided our users with a brand new Addons API, managed support for encryption providers, and automated Docker to containerd migration. With this release, we introduce our new KubeOneCluster API version with many new features that simplify configuration management. Additionally, we have added support for Kubernetes 1.23 and Cilium CNI and facilitated CCM/CSI migration, among other features. KubeOne 1.4 also provides alpha-level support for Nutanix

Here are the major highlights of this release:

Configure your Kubernetes Cluster Like Never Before With KubeOneCluster v1beta2 API

KubeOne 1.4 introduces a new KubeOneCluster API version—v1beta2. The new API version provides many new features and improvements over the v1beta1 API. 

We would like to highlight the brand new ContainerRuntime feature. It allows you to configure your container runtime in new ways, including configuring registry mirrors, private registries, and much more! This is especially useful if you’re running an offline setup or if you want to avoid the Docker Hub rate limits.

In addition to that, you can now configure some of the Kubelet settings, such as container maximum files and file size, and resource reservation.

Existing users can migrate to the new API version as easily as running the kubeone config migrate command and providing their existing manifest.

Greater Control Over Your Hybrid and Edge Deployments With Experimental Support for OSM

To extend the functionality of the Kubermatic Machine-Controller, Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform (KKP) 2.19 comes with experimental support for the Operating System Manager (OSM). We have introduced the same in KubeOne 1.4. 

Operating System Manager (OSM) architecture KubeOne

OSM is responsible for creating and managing the required configurations for worker nodes in a Kubernetes cluster. It decouples the operating system configurations into dedicated and isolated resources. This provides better modularity and maintenance and is an essential milestone towards fully air-gapped clusters, which are on our roadmap for the next release. Stay tuned!

Best-in-class Networking With Cilium CNI and Hubble

Cilium CNI support is one of the community-driven enhancements of this release. Cilium is a CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation) incubating project that provides, secures and observes network connectivity between container workloads in a truly cloud native way. To enhance the Cilium user experience with KubeOne, we also integrated the Hubble add-on. With this add-on you can observe your network and security with complete transparency from the Hubble UI.

 Network Observability with Hubble (KubeOne)

In addition to the Cilium CNI, users can use Canal, Weave-Net or any other CNI plugin, irrespective of whether it is supported by KubeOne or not.

To enable Cilium, users need to add the following to the KubeOneCluster manifest:




      enableHubble: true

Facilitated CCM/CSI Migration & More Improvements to the Cloud Providers Support

We have made a lot of improvements to the cloud provider support in the past few releases. We added support for external cloud controller managers (CCMs), CSI drivers, and support for migrating clusters to external CCM/CSI.

KubeOne 1.4 offers even more improvements! External CCM and CSI drivers are now supported for the three public cloud providers AWS, Azure (including AzureDisk and AzureFile CSI drivers), and DigitalOcean. On top of that, the CCM/CSI migration is now supported for Azure clusters running in-tree providers. Finally, starting with this release you can also use CCM/CSI migration in clusters with the static worker nodes.

The CSI drivers are now unconditionally deployed on all supported clusters running Kubernetes 1.23 or newer. That means you can enjoy the latest features even if you didn’t migrate to the external CCM.

Run Kubernetes 1.23

We are always doing our best to ensure support for the latest Kubernetes releases. With this release we support Kubernetes 1.23, so you can enjoy all of the newest features. The Compatibility document includes a list of supported Kubernetes versions for each KubeOne release.

We hope the new release of KubeOne helps you deploy and operate your Kubernetes clusters with great ease and flexibility. Of course, we are always happy to learn about your thoughts and feedback on our cloud native projects. Just ping us on our Community Slack or on Github.

Learn More

Mita Bhattacharya

Mita Bhattacharya

Product Marketing Manager

Marko Mudrinić

Marko Mudrinić

Senior Software Engineer