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Kubernetes-like Control Planes for Declarative APIs - A Practical Introduction to kcp


Join us on this webinar and gain insights into unlocking all new possibilities with kcp!

In the Cloud Native world declarative APIs are ubiquitous, enshrined in the Kubernetes Resource Model (KRM). Kubernetes Operators are built around this concept and Platform Engineering, an emerging discipline in the ecosystem, often centers around it as well.

This continued success of the KRM raises a question: Why not use the Kubernetes API without the intention to orchestrate containers? kcp, a CNCF Sandbox project, adds stronger multi-tenancy and additional API management capabilities on top of the Kubernetes API server code. It supercharges the KRM to be used as a generic control plane for any kind of declarative APIs.

Our webinar on kcp explores the fundamental concepts of kcp, its usage of the KRM and how to publish and reconcile Kubernetes-like APIs to a multitude of users. Join us on this webinar and gain insights into unlocking all new possibilities with kcp!

Speaker: Marvin Beckers, Team Lead at Kubermatic

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