

Multi-cloud: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

“The days of single cloud deployments are gone”, according to David Linthicum, Chief Cloud Strategy Officer at Deloitte and I couldn’t agree more: Flexera’s 2021 State of the Cloud Report states that 93% of businesses are already moving to a multi-cloud architecture.


Kubernetes Namespaces

Various Kubernetes objects like Pods, Deployments, Services etc. were created on a Cluster without structuring in previous parts of this series. If you continue this process, these objects will grow exponentially and become challenging to maintain at some point.


OpenStack vs Azure Stack: 5 Key Differences

If you are seeking to adopt a hybrid-cloud strategy, you might want to evaluate alternatives to OpenStack. Azure Stack is a commercial solution you can use to extend the Azure public cloud to the local data center. It is a common alternative to OpenStack when deploying hybrid clouds.


Audit Logging in Clusters

Whenever you change something in your cluster, you might want to log that change somewhere so that you can look it up later. Did you know that Kubernetes not only lets you log all changes but also fire events that respond to particular changes? Find out in this article how to do this!


Keeping the State of Apps 6: Introduction to StatefulSets

In previous parts of this series, we walked you through StorageClass as one of the Kubernetes objects for data persistence. Let’s now look at another persistent data object referred to as a StatefulSet. We’ll cover the topics below and some hands-on practice to show you the functionalities of this object.


Keeping the State of Apps 5: Introduction to Storage Classes

The previous installment in this series outlined two volume provisioning methods, static and dynamic. The exercise on creating a PersistentVolume was based on static volume provisioning, while this segment will focus on the dynamic method using StorageClass. You’ll learn how to make a volume request of any size, without worrying about whether or not it’s available in the storage pool.