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Proud to have Nikhita elected to the K8s Steering Committee

We are very proud to have our software developer Nikhita Raghunath elected to the Kubernetes Steering Committee. Nikhita is a core contributor to Kubernetes and the technical lead for SIG Contributor Experience. She is also a CNCF Ambassador and runs the GSoC and Outreachy internship programs for CNCF/Kubernetes, as well as being a keynote speaker at KubeCon Barcelona in the past. She is very involved in growing the community, by improving contributor sustainability, encouraging people to get started with Kubernetes, and an advocate for diversity within it. We can’t think of anyone more fitting to be elected to the committee and think it’s well deserved.

The 2019 Steering Committee Election is a landmark milestone for the Kubernetes project. The initial bootstrap committee is graduating and the committee has now shrunk to its final size of seven seats. All members are now fully elected by the Kubernetes Community. Moving forward, elections will elect either 3 or 4 people to the committee for two-year terms.


Next to Nikhita, the following candidates secured two-year terms that start immediately:

  • Christoph Blecker , Red Hat
  • Derek Carr , Red Hat
  • Paris Pittman , Google

They are joining Aaron Crickenberger, Google; Davanum Srinivas, VMware; and Timothy St. Clair, VMware. The seats held by Aaron, Davanum, and Timothy will be up for election around this time next year.

Get Involved with the Steering Committee

You can follow the Steering Committee backlog items and weigh in by filing an issue or creating a PR against their repo. They meet bi-weekly on Mondays at 6pm UTC and regularly attend Meet Our Contributors. They can also be contacted through their public mailing list steering@kubernetes.io.

Kubermatic Open Source Projects

At Kubermatic, we believe that open source communities develop better software to the benefit of all. We stand behind what we believe by actively contributing to upstream Kubernetes, cloud native technologies, and other projects that facilitate the adoption of multicloud operations. Check out our own open source projects to learn more.

Machine-controller: https://github.com/kubermatic/machine-controller
KubeOne: https://github.com/kubermatic/kubeone

Kristin Wittig

Kristin Wittig

Marketing & Communications